Our Journal

April 8, 2020
Making Work from Home work for you!

Making Work from Home work for you!

It is said that things can change in a blink of an eye. This is exactly what happened over the last few months. The world is going through a situation that most people would never imagine that they might witness in their lifetime. Unprecedentedly, hospitals are overloaded, companies changed their way of doing work and cities are in complete lockdown. While waiting for this pandemic to pass and in line with the government instructions and as an effort to be socially responsible and safe, most people are currently working from home. While trying to adjust to the new work situation, […]
December 23, 2019

“Content is King”

“Content is King”, a famous phrase in the marketing world that was said years ago, but still proves to be true. What does it really mean? It dates back to January 1996, when Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, wrote and released an essay that stated the importance of content, and how he thinks that most of the money made on the internet will be made through content. Content is a broad term for material that is heard, seen or read. It is the essence of marketing and the source of value for any platform. Content is the boat on which the […]
September 29, 2019

What makes viewers click like?

With over 1 billion active users worldwide, Instagram has become one of the most, if not the most, popular photo sharing platform in the world! But with thousands of photos being posted per minute, it can be a little challenging to keep up. Digital marketing professionals and content creators put a lot of effort into coming up with the most captivating shots, the most engaging captions and the most valuable content, but what makes the audience double tap? Would a smart and catchy caption get the same number of likes as a post that has an appealing image and no […]
September 16, 2019

Mistakes brands make on Social Media

If we go back in time to 10 years ago, we bet no one would’ve thought that social media could help make or break a brand, right? But it is 100% possible (proven even) for a brand image to be severely affected by the way their social media is handled. Some brands’ social media game is so strong, that it actually single-handedly increased their sales and profit! Some other brands however, have not quite received the memo! The golden question here is: what do I need to pay attention to in order to avoid ruining my brand image through social […]
July 23, 2019

Brand Awareness: What, why and how?

In a world where the good, the bad and everything in between spreads at the speed of light, brand image is one of the most important thing in any business. People spread news and feedback about almost anything, and with a strong brand awareness strategy and excellent services or products, you can be sure they are spreading the positive. But what exactly is brand awareness? What: In a nutshell, brand awareness means that consumers know your brand, trust your brand, and choose your brand. You want your brand to stand out from the crowd and be people’s choice, over and […]